Dharma Coaching

“Your dharma can be seen as your relationship to your life path.”

-Richard Rudd

Sometimes we can know exactly what we need to go to get where we want to be, but feel stuck and bogged down by old, familiar ways of being.

Do you ever feel like there is a massive gap between the life you dream of, and the life you’re currently living?

Does it sometimes feel like there is an unbridgeable gap between who you truly are, and how you’re showing up for your life in the day-to-day reality?

Do you wish that you felt more aligned with your higher purpose?

These coaching sessions will help you get more clarity and momentum around your health and life goals.

Whether you want to feel better in your body, up-level your work in the world, or just deepen your relationship with life, this process will give you actionable insights to support your transformation.

In this 3 part framework, we will look at:

  • The foundational mechanics of your energy body

  • The unique alchemy that you are encoded to embody

  • The conditioned beliefs that obstruct your embodiment of this deeper blueprint

Together we will harness the power of re-programming those subconscious imprints, thereby allowing more ease, abundance and flow into your life. By narrowing the gap between who you truly are and how you’re showing up in your daily life, you will be liberated into higher expressions of your authentic Self.

We all have a unique essential blueprint that lays out how we are designed to thrive. In these sessions, we will work together to uncover and clarify what’s most true and authentic for you, and then transform the blocks that get in the way.

There is so much conditioning we receive around who we should be and how we should live, it can be hard to unwind the stories of what is truly in alignment for us. These sessions are a powerful tool on the journey of de-conditioning and coming into more alignment with who we truly are.

Schedule a Circuitry Session to learn more about the person you are meant to be, and how you can embody your higher potentials. THESE SESSIONS ARE HELD VIRTUALLY.

After the initial Circuitry Session, there are 4- and 8-week options for ongoing support on your journey.

Human Design

Human Design is a synthesis of ancient wisdom traditions that maps out the mechanics of your unique energy body. It gives incredibly useful insight into how you can operate most effectively and in alignment with your authentic nature, as well as areas where you might be more susceptible to external conditioning.

Understanding the energetic mechanics of your design will serve as the foundation for this transformational journey. Your Human Design chart will give us a valuable template of your gifts and potential challenges, your strengths and weaknesses.

With this foundational understanding of your energetic design in place, we will look deeper- Into the archetypal layout of your unique genetic code.

Gene Keys

The Gene Keys grew out of Human Design, and takes the wisdom of the iChing even deeper- Into our DNA.

It was discovered in the 1970’s that the ancient Chinese text of the iChing (written over 3,000 years ago), with its 64 hexagrams, correlates directly with the 64 codons in our DNA. While it is unclear how the ancient Chinese were able to access this knowledge without any modern scientific tools or understanding, the correlation (and it’s relevance for our daily lives and spiritual evolution!) undeniably remains.

Modern science has shown that DNA literally captures and weaves light around itself. The journey of awakening can be described as the anchoring of more and more photons into the helices of our DNA. Bringing more awareness to our unconscious patterns helps us transform them into more useful, and ultimately more evolved, ways of being.

We will work with the Genius Activation sequence to shine a light on areas with potential for more awareness and transformation- Ultimately moving through your shadows into your gifts. This is an alchemical process.


While awareness of our wiring is a critical piece of the transformation puzzle, sometimes awareness isn’t enough! If what the changes we desire to make are at odds with our subconscious programming, we can easily feel stuck in old patterns. PSYCH-K is a process that supports the transformation of subconscious beliefs that create resistance and limitation in our lives. It is based on the theory that stressful experiences create a separation between our brain hemispheres, and by bringing ourselves into a whole brain state, we are able to change the default programming that often lies at the root of the biggest challenges in our lives.

Civilization, as we know it, is in the process of making a monumental shift in human consciousness of which we are all playing a part, consciously and subconsciously. Every aspect of our lives, both personal and professional, is being profoundly affected. Using PSYCH-K®, you can help to positively direct this change. PSYCH-K® allows you to quickly and painlessly change subconscious beliefs that are limiting the full expression of your potential in life, as a spiritual being having a human experience. This includes your mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being.

When you rewrite the software of your mind, you change the printout of your life… and the world!”

~ Rob Williams – Originator of PSYCH-K®

As you come to know your authentic self more deeply through Human Design and Gene Keys, PSYCH-K will help transform blocks between where you are and where you’re meant to go in this life.