We’re Not in Kansas Anymore: On Cleansing and Clarity

The first time I ever did the Standard Process 21-Day Purification Program, there was a moment I'll never forget. 

I was about halfway through the process, and had crossed the threshold from the detox phase into the rebuilding phase. My energy levels were improving, and I was starting to feel quite good after a week and a half of low grade detox symptoms. 

On my way to acupuncture school, I stopped at a red light. I looked around and noticed that all the trees looked so… Green. And the sky looked so… Blue. It suddenly seemed like all the colors around me were brighter.

It reminded me of the scene in The Wizard of Oz where Dorothy emerges from her home into Munchkin Land, after being swept away from Kansas by the tornado. Everything is in technicolor. So bright, so fresh!

I looked up at the rearview mirror and caught my own gaze. My eyes were more bright and clear than I ever remember seeing them. The clarity was not just in how I was taking in the world, but was also evident from the outside!

It's hard to describe in words, but it felt like I suddenly had more life force flowing through me. I felt more ALIVE.  

This was early on in my acupuncture training, and I was just starting to shift my understanding of health away from the western definition of  “absence of diagnosable disease."

This moment of clarity was exciting because I realized how much I could change my experience of reality by changing how I cared for my body. 

I later learned about the Chinese medicine concept of “clearing the sensory orifices." The idea being that over the years, debris accumulates over our sensory perceptions and creates blockages and distortions in how we perceive the world. 

Clearing away the grime and transforming the dampness that accumulates between our mind and the outside world not only helps us be as healthy as possible, but also to grow and evolve through the challenges of our lives.

Another way that Chinese medicine refers to this is “phlegm misting the mind.” As scientific study marches onward, we are understanding more about this condition through the western lens. We are learning that gut dysbiosis and biofilms can impact our cognitive function via the gut brain axis. 

In other words, if we want to clear brain fog, improve mental clarity and enhance sensory acuity, we must bring more balance to our gut microbiomes.

Furthermore, I came to learn that the Liver is the organ that governs the eyes, and dysfunction of one often leads to dysfunction of the other. (For example, dry eyes can mean a fluid deficiency in the Liver, red eyes can mean heat and inflammation in the Liver. Conversely, overuse of the eyes can lead to Liver constraint, which often shows up via the emotional regulation function of the Liver as irritability. In other words, too much screen time can lead to crabby moods.) 

So in hindsight (no pun intended), it makes sense that as my Liver became more healthy, my vision improved!

Of course, everyone has their own experience of the cleanse. I do it at least once a year and each time is a little different. The changes tend to be less dramatic at this point, as my baseline of health has improved. It remains one of the most powerful tools for when my system needs a reboot- Which seems to consistently coincide with after-the-holidays… 🤔

Doing this cleanse is a great way to reset your body, mind and spirit for a fresh start to the new year, especially if you struggled to stay on track with healthy choices during the holidays. There is no deprivation, just the removal of inflammatory foods and a veritable blast of nutrients, with the intention of maintaining some healthier habits moving forward.

“If the doors of perception were cleansed every thing would appear to man as it is: Infinite." -William Blake

Whether doing this cleanse is aligned for you right now or not, I am wishing you lots of health and vitality in 2024.


Staying balanced through the Winter