Acupuncture is the use of very thin needles at specific points of the body, which encourage different effects based on the points. For instance, some points help with poor digestion, while others calm the mind. All points help facilitate natural healing response within the body. There is generally no pain associated with the needles, as they have a diameter similar to a strand of hair. Acupuncture is incredibly powerful on its own, but is ultimately just one pillar of the complete system of Chinese Medicine.
Acupuncture works by creating micro-traumas to our tissues, which stimulates the innate healing intelligence that informs every cell in our body. It increases white blood cell production, releases dopamine and endorphins, and improves blood circulation.
From an Eastern perspective, the needles unblock energetic blockages and communicate with our vital organs, balancing the forces of yin and yang within our body. Acupuncture is included as part of a holistic Chinese medicine treatment plan.